Sniping Up A Storm In The German Category

February 9, 2010

If you look at the WWII category you will see that German memorabilia is the second most popular in terms of how much is listed for sale.  In that niche you always see such a variety of items for sale.  That fact is demonstrated in this post on the four top selling items from recent sales on eBay.  The German officer's sword had the most competitive bidding with over 28 bids topping $1,000+.   The closing hours saw two bidders willing to drive the price over $1K.  Perhaps its ironic that on this top selling list I included a German sniper scope.  I say that because it was a sniper that came in with just three seconds left and stole the officer's sword with a strong last second bid.

Check Out These Top Selling Items
Bids eBay Item Title - Link to Auction Image Link
1 Adolf Hitler MEIN KAMPF original Jubilee Edition 1939 ! Adolf Hitler MEIN KAMPF original Jubilee Edition 1939
1 German Military Radio Feldfernschreiber German Military Radio Feldfernschreiber
28 WW2 German Officers Brass Sword E&F Horster Solingen WW2 German Officers Brass Sword E&F Horster Solingen
1 Telescope Scherenfernrohr SF 14 - 10x50 Carl Zeiss Jena Telescope Scherenfernrohr SF 14 - 10x50 Carl Zeiss Jena


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