eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter: The Morning After

February 6, 2012



eBay WWII Hot Finds Newsletter

FEBRUARY 6, 2012

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Dear Santeeswapper LLC,
I hope your team won the Super Bowl yesterday and if it didn't at least the commercials were worth the show.  Today we get back to more great picks in the World War II category of eBay.  I hope that these selections are worth a few minutes of your time.  I think they are pretty sweet!

USA Auctions Climbing The Charts

I really like that patch blanket.  Many of you know I also deal in Boy Scout memorabilia on eBay and patches are my specialty over there! 🙂

More Great American WWII Auctions

Who wouldn't like to be in a squadron called the Fighting Hell Cats?  You can find plenty of authentic relics in this final block of today's newsletter.

Watch The Top 10 Video Right Here!


WWII Hot Finds The Best Military Collectibles Top 10 Episode 9.wmv
WWII Hot Finds The Best Military Collectibles Top 10 Episode 9.wmv

I put the video in today's email but you might want to actually see the listings on eBay that made this Top 10 list.  In that case head over to my blog at WWIIHotFinds.com and you can find the post which has links to each of the listings in the Top 10 countdown.

Happy Hunting,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

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