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Archive ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Friday, March 3, 2017
Of course you have to click on the iconic Navy divers helmet. With free shipping from Florida the 13 bids have driven it up over $2k and who knows where it will end in a few days!
The really cool Kriegsmarine grouping below is being sold out of Bulgaria. However, the seller has a 100% feedback rating so you might can bid with confidence on that one.
Having published this newsletter since 2010 you can bet when a fold up paratrooper bicycle comes available I stick it in the Hot Finds. The one ending in a few days has jumped over $1k and is still going.
The elaborate hats of this era are a collecting niche all to their own. The German/Austrian one pictured below is doing well with about 2-dozen bids so far.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Every issue the lead off block of the newsletter features some of the best United States military items live on eBay. I only include auctions in the Hot Finds because to me those are the ones that might have slipped past your radar.
A few unique items in today's round up of German listings that you might want to check out. This category has some serious collectors and so the bidding can get kinda personal some times.
Within the larger category you can go into individual country categories and that's where this block takes its aim. Countries such as the UK, Canada, Italy, Russia and Japan get featured here but usually only 1 or 2 from each of those to hit the highlights.
The final category visits the close relative of WWI era collectibles. The items here have some crossover to WWII and sometimes people kinda ignore categories anyways when they are listing.
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Monday, February 6, 2017
Thanks to Rarepatchman on eBay there are a few really neat pieces in this United States block. The one getting the most attention is the OSS SACO US Naval Group jacket patch. The other one is an Allied Mission To Observe The Greek Elections shoulder insignia. Some of you may prefer to look left and bid on the original nose art photo for the B17 named the SEQUATCHIEE.
You can't go wrong with a German infantry officer hat or the helmets that are included in this block. Like most issues of the Hot Finds there are several daggers that have poked their way into the the top of the listings.
We can only hope the ritual suicide knife listed below didn't have to serve it's purpose. This one looks pretty clean so my consistence doesn't bother me including in this block of auctions featuring items from many different countries.
The US 2nd Corps helmet looks very clean and will make a really nice pick up for some collector when it ends tomorrow. All of these listings are from the WWI category and are among the highest running auctions with bids in the category.
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Friday, March 25, 2016
To close out the last day of Spring Break we are watching a really great documentary called Apocalypse which is a 6 part series on WWII. It's on Netflix and by the end of the day we will have made it through 3 episodes. Check it out if you have not seen it yet.
There are some great American auction listings today in the Hot Finds. My favorite is the Airborne Infantry patch and I'm not alone. It's up to $800 with 19 bids so far.
When you watch these documentaries you understand how there are so many vet bring backs from the war. One video I watched said there were an estimated 42 million deaths between military and civilians in the European theater.
The auctions in this block include some hot picks from the other countries that took part in the war. Click to see some of the best live auctions in the category.
The picks in this block feature the ones in the WWI category that are getting the most bids. Click on any of these links to see what's going for top money.
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Monday, March 21, 2016
This week we are counting down until Spring Break. Even with vacation around the corner you can depend on your Hot Finds editor to get out issues on time twice a week.
There are several uniforms and insignia in today's
issue of the newsletter. These listings are pretty regularly featured in the Hot Finds as they typically get great bids and do well on eBay.
Top German listings are included in this block including uniform parts, bayonets and more.
The final WWII block in the newsletter features items from Japan, Italy, and other countries from corners of the world that were part of the war. The auctions featured here have a lot of bids and are doing well.
The auctions in WWI are featured in this block which is a smaller category but has a lot of crossover.
For some reason March has been a really good month in my antique mall booth. I guess with the weather turning the snow birds are heading back north. Both of my booths site along I-95 have seen sharp increases in action. Whatever the reason I'm happy about it.
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