Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Every week I try and pull together a simple Top-5 list to show you best items that sold. I would generally use the term auctions however this week I can't do that because two of the items (including the #1 item) were BIN purchases. One things they all have in common is they sold for more than $3,000. I had two of the auctions built into my Hot Finds email and I have to admit I'm surprised how high the medic's helmet went for. Click the links to see for yourself.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I don't know how many of you ever take a look at the "other" subcategory in WWII but I usually don't. Knowing this I went back through closed auctions to see what I've been missing. Last week on eBay these five listings were the top sellers and all went for a minimum of $200. I definitely agree that the John Wayne coffee mug belongs here. Looks like lacking a category for items from the Netherlands and Finland that those items were also well placed. Is anybody surprised that the photos did so well? You can post a response to this blog using the comment box.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
One of the words that sellers love to use in their WWII listings is "named". Whenever possible they slip this one in to indicate they can place the provenance of an item from the period. So with this blog post I ask the question, what is a name worth? I checked in to the sales on eBay from the last month to see just how much those five letters buy you on an eBay auction. Click on these listings and see if that adjective helped boost the bottom line.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Its always interesting to just take a peak at what have been the top selling auctions over the last couple of weeks on eBay. I was a little surprised only 1 Japanese sword made the list. However, the most unusual item is an Eva Braun dress. There have been several items auctioned recently that claim her provenance and they have done very well.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I can honestly say I've been on eBay since 1998 and I don't remember ever seeing an auction that collected 135 bids. The real question is do you think that this really could be Heinrich Himmler's ring as the seller suggests? Judging by the selling price its very possible that at least a few bidders were willing to take a chance on it! This list shows the top-5 selling items from the last week on eBay.