Monday, March 31, 2014
Check out the Top Selling items from the biggest military category of eBay! This run down shows you the number of bids and the rank in the Top 10.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
I've recently played with the idea of coming back with the old Top 10 lists for the blog. Here is a list of the 10 top selling items from recent sales on eBay. You can click on each link to see the actual listing.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
What do these two country have in common during the World War II? They have WWII specialty items. When you think of Germans, the items that will come to your mind are knives and helmets. And when someone mentions Japanese, the first WWII item that will pop out are swords! Different kind of swords and samurais.
The first helmets issued received only one decal on the left side of the helmet. In 1943 this factory applied decal was discontinued in order to comply with orders issued by the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht. Helmets of this type are characteristic of having rolled edges and stamped air vents that are embossed directly into the steel shell. Paint finishes range from medium to very dark blue-gray in overall tone with semi-rough to rough outer texture. Decals on the M1940 are always the second patternvariety. The M1940 Luftwaffe helmet is one of the most abundant of all German helmets.
The M1940 has a stamped air hole made to look like a rivet, instead of the actual rivet found on the M1935. The M1940 was made of an improved steel made from manganese-silicon. The M1940 also was manufactured through a process of hot stamping the metal. The M1940 is like the M1935 with regard to the rolled steel edges.
WW2 Japanese Antique Samurai Sword/Shinto/Nihonto/KATANA IN KOSHIRAE 29+1/6"
The nihontō would be carried in a saya (sheath) and tucked into the samurai's belt. Originally, they would carry the sword with the blade turned down. This was a more comfortable way for the armored samurai to carry his very long sword or to draw while mounted.
Nihonto is one of the traditional bladed weapons of Japan. The most commonly known type of Japanese sword is the katana, which, like the similarly formed tachi, is a single-edged and, usually, curved long sword which was traditionally worn by samurai from the 1400s onwards. The tachi became the primary weapon on the battlefield during the Kamakura period, used by cavalry mounted samurai. The sword was mostly considered as a secondary weapon until then, used in the battlefield only after the bow and spear were no longer feasible
See more of the beautiful items by clicking the text links below.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
I barely feature so many swords in a week's auction. But last week is pretty different. For some reasons, I don't know why Japanese swords is hot for collectors. Find out why with some of the facts I have for you.

Dragon Katanas are made from High Carbon Steel, and are razor sharp. Beautifully hand-crafted and balanced, this sword combines an intricately carved faux-ivory and a tempered 440 stainless steel to create a master reproduction. The highly detailed handle is highlighted with a shiny ruby-red inset and a stylized head of a dragon. The wave frosted blade is protected by a highly polished lacquered black scabbard. Measures 31" from dragon nose to top of blade. Finely detailed handguard, pommel and end- cap. 440 stainless steel blade.
Another one is Japanese WW II Army officer's officer's sword, hand forged gendai "Emura".
The blade is traditional hand forged, water tempered blade in old polish, shows tiny scraches but no rust, no stain and in good condition. The temper line is wavy gunome-choji temper pattern throughout the blade and has deep temper at the point. The forging grain is tight itame-hada and no forging flaws at all. There is no bend, no nicks, no crack and cutting edge is sharp. The scabbard is heavy metal scabbard shows aged lacquer loss but no dent, no bend and in good condition. The handle is tight fit, tsuka-ito wrapping is no loose, no cut. The tsuba and seppa are matched number 888 stamped.
Check out more stuffs below for great pieces from last week's auctions.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
This Top 10 list represents the best items to sell on eBay in a 1 week period. Click the links to see what these items sold for.